by Sandy Kong

When the weight of the world is heavy,

all the pain is in sight..

no relief or solution, no energy left to fight

I surrender.

Falling onto my knees,



I can't carry this anymore..

Just wanna isolate, shut the door

be closed off from the world.

What more do you want from me? I'm all torn.

Tired and exhaustion have become my new norm.

"Be the light"

I keep hearing everyone tell me.

How can I shine bright, when there's no light around me?

Darkness is all I see.

Loneliness creeps in..

Feeling like I don't belong or fit in

Trying to stay strong,

Trying to correct all my wrongs.

but I can't keep up. 

I surrender. 


There is an art to surrendering. Surrendering does not mean giving up. Surrendering, which can be really hard to do, means I am just going to flow with life, instead of resisting it.

This can be scary and overwhelming. Flowing with the current of life and not knowing where it is going to take us can be hard to do. Especially, if we like being in control. We want to predict. We want to be certain.

But, at the same time, life doesn't always go the way we want it to. Life just happens. 

And as life happens, the things that happen can sometimes feel really heavy and we begin to feel powerless with all the different situations we come across.

It's okay to rest. It's okay not to know what to do. Sometimes, being lost is part of the journey. In these moments of feeling lost, we get to explore and truly find ourselves and who we want to be.

Sometimes, life changes us without our consent, but other times, we get to decide. We may not be able to choose the challenges that are thrown our way, but we get to choose how we respond to it. 

We are allowed to pause, reflect, and reroute the course, and other times, there is beauty in allowing life to take us to where we are meant to even though we don't know where it will lead.

It could be a place completely unexpected, but the current of life, flows you to meet people, places, and have experiences that offer us a chance we didn't think we would ever have.


Sandy Kong


Phone: 669-228-2466



Speaking With My Heart


What is Stigma?