If you are able and willing to contribute to us financially, here are some avenues to do so!

Donations 💵

Please click the “Donate to FAUNA” button above to reach our Square site, which is the platform we use to receive donations and reach other audiences.

Shop 🛒

We have some un-bear-ably cute merchandise to help support FAUNA Mental Health Foundation! Currently we sell our merch at local in-person vending events, like the UW Maker’s Fair. However, please feel free to contact us for a quote if you would like to purchase any items! View our Fauna merch here!

Sponsors 💰

If you would like to learn more about sponsoring FAUNA Mental Health Foundation, please email us at

Share Our Social Media

Take Our Survey!

It is so helpful when we get to hear about your own experiences, either as the person seeking help or the one providing help. Help us develop and refine our mental health resources and tool box by taking our surveys and circulating them to your community

The Asian Mental Health Survey asks about your experiences with mental health through the lens of your Asian background and identity. Your responses will inform what kind of resources we create and what our organization prioritizes for our mission.

All responses are fully anonymous.

Calling all mental health clinicians and practitioners! Share your evaluation and feedback of our website from a professional’s perspective. Your responses will inform us on how we can fine tune and improve our website and organization to better serve the purposes we stand for.